When I graduated from pre-school, I was torn between two dream jobs: paleontologist and Spider-Man. My web-slinging abilities never quite panned out, but I never forgot about our friendly neighborhood hero. 
As a kid, I found myself inspired by the comic works of Ditko and Kirby. Not only was I mesmerized by the storytelling through pictures and words, but was captivated by the story being told. Peter Parker was an intellectual, fueled by science, who overcame personal and superhuman obstacles thanks to the courage granted by a radioactive bite. While I will always hate spiders, I will always thank Spider-Man for giving me my own courage.
The comics I read inspired me to pursue art and design. Combining a wide range of studies pushed my ability to solve problems, analyze data, and present unique and engaging solutions through design, video, motion, and traditional media. 
Experiences in the marketing field, newsroom, pharmaceutical industry, and forensic labs have pushed me to always climb higher, swing further, and dare to tell amazing stories.

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